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Meet the people who have been part of this project, onscreen and off.

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Director Daniel Wolff's non-fiction books include THE FIGHT FOR HOME: How (Parts of) New Orleans Came Back. He's helped produce "Been in the Storm Too Long" on Tavis Smiley Report and two documentaries by director Jonathan Demme, The Agronomist and I'm Carolyn Parker. With his wife, Marta Renzi, he's made a number of short films , and he's appeared in Philadelphia, Rachel Getting Married, and Subway Stories. This is the first film he's directed.




Oscar-winning director Jonathan Demme initiated Guardians of the Flame in 2006 and filmed the Harrison family for 6 years. Over his lifetime, Demme created an extraordinary body of work: documentaries, shorts and features, from Silence of the Lambs and Philadelphia to (with Producer Daniel Wolff) The Agronomist and I'm Carolyn Parker.

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Nkem Big Chief Brian Nelson has been an active participant in the Mardi Gras Indian tradition for 33 years. In 2014 he was crowned a Nkem (royal chief), within the N’weh Nation of Cameroon, West Africa. In 2011 Brian earned his MFA in cinematic arts from the University of Southern California. His thesis film, Keeper of the Flame, has received local, national, and international awards and honors including the prestigious Paul Robeson Award for independent Black Film, special honors at the Femi International Film Festival of Guadeloupe, San Francisco Black Film Fest best short film award, just to name a few. In his latest project, Big Chief Brian Nelson returns to his musical roots as both performer and the executive producer of an upcoming bounce hip-hop/Black Indian fusion musical release that he hopes will take the music community by storm.




Editor Marta Renzi spent 40 years working as a choreographer, expanding her resume to include directing films since about 2005. Since then she has self-produced over three dozen short videodances, which have been presented at over 300 festivals nationally and internationally. Her debut feature film Her Magnum Opus was released in 2017. In 1981 You Little Wild Heart, to music by Bruce Springsteen, was Marta's first half-hour for PBS, followed by Mountainview, made in 1989 in collaboration with indie filmmaker John Sayles, featuring Jane Alexander. Retrospectives of her film work have been screened at BAAD! in the Bronx, at Rivertown Films in Nyack; at Compartimiento Cinematografico in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico; at University College Cork, Ireland and at the Rockland Center for the Arts. More.




Colorist Jordan Campbell is a NYC based filmmaker, photographer and artist. He is founder of the film criticism site and production house Bougie Productions. He graduated from Rutgers in 2015 with a degree in Visual Arts and a specialization in Media and Digital Filmmaking.  From his piece, A Brief Moment Under The Sun, a multi-channel video and sculpture installation on the prison industrial complex, to his web mini-series Adam, an exploration of the sex lives and habits of young New Yorkers, Jordan Campbell's work often features heavy social commentary. He doesn't view Film and Media solely as forms of entertainment, but as a tool that provides a voice to the disenfranchised and unheard. Campbell is also a film educator. More.

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